Epidemiological Profile and Management of Central Nervous System (CNS) Malformations in Dera Ghazi Khan
Epidemiological Profile and Management Of CNS Malformations
anomalies, congenital anomalies, malformations, central nervous system, nuerosurgeryAbstract
Introduction: Malformation of the central nervous system (CNS) typically leaves the family in chaos and medical team helpless. The strict use of preventative measures has significantly decreased the frequency of congenital abnormalities in industrialized nations.
Materials & Methods: At Dera Ghazi Khan Medical College conducted this Cross-sectional analytical study was conducted from January 2023 to December 2023 to evaluate the epidemiological profile and management CNS malformations. All cases of CNS malformations treated in the neurosurgery department were included in the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0.
Results: Total 61 cases were included in the study. The patient’s age ranged from 1 d to 70 years old. Six (9.8%) patients with CNS abnormalities had prenatal diagnoses. There were 34.8% CT scans, 1.7% MRIs (7 after CT), and 23.7% ultrasound scans, among other tests. In 49 instances (80.32%), there was a surgical rationale: 20 cases (40.81%) could be treated, whereas 29 cases (59.18%) did not. In 11 cases (18%), the surgical rationale was not maintained.
Conclusion: CNS abnormalities were frequent in our study. They cause numerous neurological aftereffects and permanent impairments, and are not usually amenable to surgical treatment. Therefore, it is imperative that the DG Khan region concentrates on enhancing preventative measures.
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