Extraocular Muscle Imbalance and Outcomes of Scleral Buckling Surgery for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Sclera Buckling Surgery, Retinal Detachment, Muscle imbalance, restrictive motilityAbstract
Objective: The objective was to study the muscle imbalance, restrictive motility in unlike gazes and the outcomes of the scleral buckling surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Study design: Prospective follow-up study
Settings and duration: The study was conducted at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi from Aug 2015 to Jan 2016.
Methodology: The patients were checked prior to surgery and two follow up visits were done afterwards. Thorough history was taken along with full orthoptic assessment and ocular motility in all four main gazes including elevation, depression, adduction and abduction. Vision, type and position of explants, site of detachment, and risk factors of detachment were also observed.
Results: A total of 48 eyes of 46 patients were taken. Mean age of the study participants was 37.16±20.37 years. Horizontal, vertical and combined deviations were observed in study population. Exo deviation was most common deviation among patients. Most reported risk factors of retinal detachment included trauma, pseudophakia, aphakia and myopia. Motility limitations of all four gazes was observed and it was found out that after buckling the squint and restriction is been increased up till two months.
Conclusion: Ocular restriction among the patients was observed over a period of 2 months and it depicted that encircling with sclera buckling elicited an increase in restrictive ocular motility from pre-operative to 1 week and 2 months after surgery.