Daily Activity Related Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Adults


  • Ruhamah Yousaf Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Arif Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • Qudrat Ullah Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • Saima Rafique Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • Asif Hanif Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-54600, Pakistan
  • Mustansar Ali




COPD, quality of life, activities of daily living, physical activity



Background: The significant reason for anguish as well as incapacity is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Activities of daily living might be relentlessly curbed among patients with COPD and appraisal needs evaluation regarding influence of infirmity and detriments on day-to-day living. The primary objective was to know the daily activity associated quality of life in COPD adults. The secondary objective was to analyze demographical profile, such as gender and age of COPD subjects as well as evaluate the physical activity related breathlessness in COPD patients.

Methodology: This study was executed at Gulab Devi Chest Hospital. We used cross sectional study design to collect the data. For collecting the statistics of 150 subjects aged 40-60 years of either gender Saint George’s Questionnaire was liable. It included the patient’s biodata, effect of COPD on physical activities and limitations in routine work.

Results: The ages of 150 COPD patients selected were between 40 and 60 years. Patients were classified into two categories on the basis of disease severity according to GOLD criteria 71 (47.3%) were with moderate severity and 79 (52.7%) were with severe severity. 113 (75.3%) patients were smokers while 37 (24.7%) patients were non-smokers. 110 (73.3%) COPD patients were active smokers in comparison 40 (26.7%) COPD patients were passive smokers. COPD patients with current smoking status were 79 (52.7%) and with past smoking status were 71 (47.3%). 19 (12.7%) COPD patients felt breathlessness while sitting and lying. 53(35.3%) COPD patients felt breathless while getting washed or dressed. 85(56.7%) COPD patients felt breathless while walking around the home. 114 (96%) COPD patients discerned breathlessness while walking up a flight of stairs. 145 (96.7%) COPD patients had breathlessness while playing sports or games. 146 (97.3%) COPD patients experienced difficulty in breathing during activities like carrying load. 88 (58.7%) COPD patients discerned breathlessness during entertainment or recreation. 88 (58.7%) COPD patients discerned breathlessness during entertainment or recreation. 7 (4.7%) COPD patients felt breathlessness while moving from bed or chair.

Conclusion: As with the progression of COPD impairment in activities become worse due to breathlessness causing decline in patient’s ability making them unable to complete their task to fulfill the needs of life and ultimately become bed bound due to shortness of breath.





How to Cite

Yousaf, R., Arif, M. ., Ullah, Q., Rafique, S., Hanif, A., & Ali, M. (2019). Daily Activity Related Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Adults. The International Journal of Frontier Sciences, 3(1), 10–23. https://doi.org/10.37978/tijfs.v3i1.44


