Diagnostic Outcome of Open Pleural Biopsy

Open Pleural Biopsy


  • Hafiza Habiba Asma Gulab Devi Institute of Allied Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
  • Areeba Iftikhar Institute of Allied Health Sciences, University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan




Tuberculosis, Pleural effusion, Pleural biopsy, Malignancy


Background: Pleural diseases involve the parietal and visceral pleura. They can be of inflammatory or malignant origin. Pleural biopsy is advised for assessment and excluding infectious causes as tuberculosis or malignant disease, particularly malignant mesothelioma. Connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid disease can also present with involvement of pleura, requiring pleural biopsy for diagnosis.

Objectives: The aim of my study was to find out diagnostic outcomes of open pleural biopsy or differentiation between benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) disease, to diagnose viral, fungal and parasitic diseases of pleura.

Materials and Methods: Non-random sampling was used for data collection from Gulab Devi hospital. To find out the clinical value of nonspecific pleural biopsy specimen and fluid malignant neoplasm and tuberculosis. Data was collected from the patients  undergoing  procedure at Gulab Devi hospital. The collected data consists of 160 patients included females and males of all age groups.

Results: 160 patients were undergone biopsies. Out of 160 patients a nonspecific or normal result was found in 53(33.3%). Diagnostic of malignant neoplasm in 18(10.9%) and granulomatous disease in 28(17%). Tuberculosis was found in 46 (28.9%). Histopathologically, pnemonitis was found in 16 (10.1%).

Conclusion: Open pleural biopsy is precise and gold standard investigative method for malignancy. Pleural biopsy is safe easily performed and useful in diagnoses of tuberculosis or malignancy.


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How to Cite

Asma, H. H., & Iftikhar, A. . (2020). Diagnostic Outcome of Open Pleural Biopsy: Open Pleural Biopsy. The International Journal of Frontier Sciences, 4(2), 75–77. https://doi.org/10.37978/tijfs.v4i2.289




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